Nourishing Children through Healthy Relationships with Food

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST

3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States

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Registration (click the arrow to the left for more information) Partial Approval - $50.00

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Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST

Center for Child and Family Well-Being, 3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States.


Nourishing Children through Healthy Relationships with Food

Facilitated by: Lenna Liu, MD, MPH


Saturday, October 27, 2018

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

 Workshop Details

Do you worry that your child is a picky eater? Or that your child is hungry all of the time? Do you have or work with a toddler who repeatedly refuses to eat certain foods? Does mealtime sometimes feel more like a battle than an enjoyable time of the day??? We invite you to join this workshop if you answered “yes” to any of these questions. In this half-day event, Dr. Liu, a pediatrician with expertise in childhood obesity, will share her experience and guide experiential practices that promote healthy relationships with food. This workshop is designed for caregivers – parents, family members, childcare providers, and educators.

During this workshop, participants will:

•Explore the interconnection of comfort, security, and eating

•Understand children’s natural growth patterns and how it impacts eating

•Explore the relationship of emotions to food and eating

•Reflect on their current and past relationships with food

•Discuss strategies to change their and their children’s experiences during mealtime

•Draw upon mindfulness-based practices to shift their experience with eating


Participants will leave with a more holistic and expanded view of food and eating, as well as strategies to ride the waves in children’s changing eating behaviors.  Join Dr. Liu for a workshop that will help you begin to reclaim mealtime as a nourishing, enjoyable time of the day.


Note: While there will be room for discussion on topics such as body image, self-esteem and over-eating during the workshop, please note that Dr. Liu cannot provide medical advice regarding individual conditions. 


Workshop fee:  $50.00, which includes a Certificate of Completion for 3 hours for licensed psychologistsmarriage and family therapistsmental health counselors, and social workers in Washington State. We can not guarantee that these CEUs will be accepted in other states.

Financial Assistance

  • A limited number of scholarships are available per course. To apply for a scholarship, please review criteria and complete the application form at:  Note: Scholarship applicants will be notified no later than 3 weeks prior to the workshop. Applicants must wait to register for the course until a decision has been made in order to qualify.


Pay it Forward - Support the Scholarship Fund

If you are able to pay more for the course, we encourage you to consider donating to the Mindfulness Outreach Fund which allows CCFW to offer 50% and 100% scholarships to community members to aid in the cost of registration fees for mindfulness courses. Scholarships are awarded to increase accessibility of mindfulness and compassion training for individuals who have limited resources to obtain such training and to those who work in communities experiencing adversity. To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please visit


About the instructor: 

Lenna L. Liu, MD, MPH is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine and Seattle Children’s Hospital. She practices general pediatrics at Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic. Dr. Liu is active locally and nationally on childhood obesity prevention and management efforts, particularly with an emphasis on health disparities and low-income populations.  She is the physician lead for the Seattle Children’s Obesity Program which includes clinical services, education, research and advocacy. She is also trained in yoga, meditation and mindfulness and working to bring mindfulness and mindful eating to pediatrics and obesity prevention.


Privacy Policy

The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.


Contact Information
Marcellina DesChamps
Associate Director of Programs
Center for Child & Family Well-Being
Office: 206.221.8508

Cancellation policy

Please review CCFW's cancellation policy.

***20% of workshop registration fees are non-refundable***

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Please review our cancellation deadlines below.

Cancellation two weeks before workshop: 80% refund

Cancellation within two weeks of workshop: 50% refund


Cancellations on the date of the workshop: No refunds guaranteed on or after the date of the workshop.

University of Washington Center for Child & Family Well-being

The Center for Child and Family Well-Being promotes positive development for children and families by translating research for practical application.We share knowledge through education, professional training and outreach to the community.

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